Research shows many benefits to early intervention and speech therapy for children. However, many children do not have access to services in Texas. The cost of delayed or absent therapy is significant for our society. Read more about the importance of early intervention and where to find help.

Without early and appropriate intervention, there are many potential lasting effects. Individuals who do not receive therapy when needed have significant increased risks for unemployment and mental illness. Also, it is true that individuals in prison are 5x more likely to have a language disorder when compared to the general population.

Additionally, individuals who are unable to obtain appropriate services are 3x more likely to be in poor health due to lower health literacy. According to Ratzan & Parker, health literacy is “the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions” (2000).

Investing in intervention early has shown to be cost effective for families. Without treatment, the medical cost of speech and language disorders is significant to society and the economy. Taxpayers spend billions of dollars each year to support programs for mental health and employment.

Learn more about the cost of delayed intervention in the infographic below.

Contact us today if you have questions about services and how we can help. Call your state representatives and make your voice heard that you support early intervention!

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