Preparing your spaces for play, development, and connection
Hearts & Homes is a uniquely designed program for families of all ages that includes personalized consultation created to help you organize your home, simplify your daily routines, and increase positive interactions and cooperation with your kids.
Creating a home full of peace and joy is hard when you feel like you’re drowning in toys, have chores piling up, and kids dependent on you to entertain them all the time. You know how important routines are for kids, but you just cannot seem to stick to them. You wonder how other parents seem to do it all.
This is for you if:
- You’re ready for a home re-set. You spend hours cleaning and organizing, just to have it a complete disaster an hour later. The toys, kids’ activities, laundry, dishes – it’s all just too much.
- You want your child to play independently, decreasing the pressure to entertain all day.
- You feel generally stressed and overwhelmed by parenthood.
- You want to learn to encourage your child’s cognitive and communicative development at home.
- You are tired of the day-to-day sibling bickering and tantrums.
- You want your child to have some independence in their daily routines.
- You want to stop depending on screen time when you need a break.
- You want more time to be present with your children and create meaningful relationships together.

A prepared environment is more than just organization.
A child’s home sets the foundation for healthy social-emotional development, language and literacy learning, and overall well-being. Having calm and prepared spaces at home allows for increased child independence and opportunities for family connection, even as early as infancy.
As a pediatric speech-language pathologist, I help families create daily routines and prepare physical spaces in their home that enrich language development and foster positive interactions. Challenging behaviors decrease when children are able to express themselves, feel included in their daily activities, and have opportunities for independence. They often have a natural way of problem-solving independently when guided by a prepared environment. This program empowers you to create harmony and order at home that will improve your daily life.
What people are saying
“I feel like I can breathe again. My house was a complete circus all the time. We were suffocating in toys and inconsistent routines that had my kids going crazy. I knew things had to change, but I just didn’t know where to start. This program helped guide me to make changes that really work for my family. I actually look forward to being at home and can more easily give my children the love and attention they need. I now understand why my children were having meltdowns and I feel more confident in following my child’s lead through the day. My husband and I truly enjoy the time we spend together at home as a family now. This program is such a gift for our family, thank you!”

How does it work?
The Hearts and Homes program offers four modules that will guide you using step-by-step action plans, self-reflection and guided readings, and offer evidence-based strategies that will increase your child’s independence at home. As you complete the each section, we will partner together to create a personalized plan just for your family so you can work at your own pace to make sustainable changes in your home. In addition, you’ll receive two hours of phone consultation, a virtual home tour, and email support when you need it.
This tailor-fit, easy to implement program will transform your home and allow your children to thrive for a
one-time introductory payment of $197
(valued at $450).
Inside the Program
Module 1: Preparing for Change
- Introduction to Hearts & Homes
- 60-minute phone consultation to get to know your family and review your priorities and needs
- Guided Reading: What is a “prepared environment,” and why is it important?
Module 2: Setting up the Home for Child Independence
- Home tour: Send pictures of spaces or video consultation for virtual tour of your home
- Individualized step-by-step guide to prepare spaces in your home that invite participation in family routines and help your child be more independent.
- Email support as needed
- 5-Step plan to prepare a space for play in your home
- Guide of ways to invite children to play independently
- Email support as needed
- 60-minute phone consultation to problem-solve any remaining areas of concern and review changes made and observed successes
- Guided Reading: Why are routines important, and how to set up appropriate expectations for your child
- Individualized step-by-step guide to implement routines in your home
- Email support as needed
Why choose this program?
As children develop, they need to experiment with more independence, power, and control over their world. Young children often have very little say over their daily lives. We decide what they wear, what to eat, when to sleep, when to play. We control all the power. It’s only natural they feel powerless. Their reaction is to immediately play emotional defense. We fight harder to control, and they fight harder in defiance. It’s the never-ending cycle to control another person. Finding the balance between the power of the parent and the power of the child, while still maintaining parenting boundaries, is where peace will be.
Creating a home environment and sustainable routines that support our children in their development and emotional regulation isn’t always easy. This program guides you to use evidence-based strategies that are customized to your needs and offers ways to follow your natural daily rhythm. Love your home again, find more joy in your parenting, and create moments of connection.